Designed and animated a Netflix sitcom, “Mr. Iglesias.


“Mr.Igleisas” main title sequence for Netflix

Designed and produced a graphical environment animated main title for Netflix’s comedy series, “Mr.Igleisas”.

Mr. Iglesias is an American sitcom created by Kevin Hench. The series stars beloved fully comedian Gabriel Iglesias as the title character. Mr. Iglesias a loveable and fluffy high school teacher returns to his alma mater to teach. Taking on a group of misfits as his students there is potential in them all, as long as they buck their ideas up.

Concept A

Here is concept A styleframes for this opening sequence. More graphic treatment with image montages which represent long beach.Tried to keep the color scheme which contains warmness of California vibe.

Concept B

Here are concept B styleframes for this opening sequence. The Gabriel drives the Volkswagon van through printed pictures with long beach background.



Motion Graphic Designer

Designed and animated opening titles for "Mr.Iglesias"

Michael Riley

Michael Riley

Creative Director

Creative Director at Shine Studio.

Bob Swensen

Bob Swensen

Executive Producer

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